My Dear Young Friends ‘Education of the Heart is the Heart of education’. Montfort School ever strives to be a beacon of light to the young generation by igniting their minds into new insights. The education that is envisaged by Montfort school is a holistic one. Our School encourages the students to think different and empower themselves to set priorities in their lives. It involves the formation of the heart through a harmonious integration of physical, intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual spheres of one’s life; thereby the school makes a sincere effort to raise something extra ordinary from ordinary sphere.
Tom Bodet said ‘The difference between the school and life is that in school, one is taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, one is given a test that teaches a lesson’. Education enables all to search for the truth by training them to analyze reality, to form critical judgments, search for solutions and work out a synthesis thereby they develop a moral conscience that is capable of discerning what is good and choosing it .
Education needs to transform the students to face the hardships or realities of life with courage, and to focus on solutions to the problems, and to overcome the obstacles with the power of knowledge and experience. Montfort School helps its students to understand that fatigue is often a mental creation that stems from doing things people do not like to do. Students need to understand that it is not because things are difficult that they do not dare, but because they do not dare that things are difficult. A learning environment is provided in the school, to frame, to form and to transform children in accordance with the requirements they live in. Today, knowledge is available at the click of a button. Sophisticated electronic gadgets introduce and immerse the new generation into the World Wide Web of information and relationships.
More often the children do not perceive the hidden dangers of these facilities and they land into chaos and confusion which leads to perversion in lifestyle and relationships. The role of Montfortion education becomes more significant and challenging at this juncture. Montfort School gives importance to the human virtues so that the coming generation may be intellectually brilliant, emotionally balanced and morally upright, committed and creative. I wish you all a bright future and happy learning.