Sr. Josephine,
Headmistress - Primary Section
No one has yet fully realized the wealth of sympathy, kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure.
Primary education is the foremost and basic right of every child. It is the first step in the character formation of the child. We, at Montfort school primary wing cater to more than 1300 students. The school aims to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which is flexible, relevant and meaningful to children at the foundation stage, so as to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development of each pupil in an environment that is happy, caring and disciplined.
We aim at the holistic development of the child. We include various art forms for experience-based learning of various concepts in different subjects. We organize activities and events frequently to develop skills such as leadership, time management, persistence, teamwork, stress management, listening, negotiation, public speaking and interpersonal relationship among the students.
Special assemblies for all festivals are organized wherein all the students participate regardless of their religion or belief. Pupils may have a preference for visual, auditory or kinesthetic learning style and hence all types of approaches are used in the classroom along with the smart classes. Apart from regular subject periods, dance, music, art and craft and games classes are an integral part of the curriculum. To develop the personality of the students, various intra-school, interschool competitions are organized apart from school Annual Day and Sports Day. School leaders are also appointed so that they develop the leadership qualities. Appreciation is shown for all achievers and motivation remains due for all.
Regular computer classes and free access to sufficient number of computers leads to e-confident learners. We encourage children to read books and develop communication skills through library and language periods. Allied to the development of excellence in the core subjects, great emphasis is placed upon developing confidence, self-esteem and consideration for others.