Vision and Mission

Our Mission
The Montfortian mission is to help the young develop into upright, creative and loyal citizens imbued with love and concern for others, spiritual sensitivity and a sense of personal freedom, liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and Worship, equality of status and of opportunity and fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of nations. It envisions enabling the young to develop into a holistic personality and earn a living; and contributing to the economic, social, political and cultural progress of the nation.

Our Vision
Apart from the vision of Christian schools, Montfortian education, in particular, aims to prepare the student for a life that is worth living. As individuals and members of the society the students need to be helped to develop qualities of the mind and heart as well as basic skills and attitudes. To achieve this the Montfortian education system is designed as person-oriented, social or the other oriented, professional or work oriented, national or citizen oriented and universal brotherhood and international understanding oriented. Montfortian education envisions working for the total development of the young. They are helped to discover their God-given potentials and work towards their fullest development in order to place them at the service of the society. It seeks to enable the young to search for the truth by training them to analyze reality, form critical judgments, search for solutions and work out a synthesis. It is concerned with forming a moral conscience that is capable of discerning what is good and choosing it. It pays attention to the development of the capacity to engage in relationships marked by sincerity and self- determination and training to understand the complex political reality and to enter it in a constructive way. It imparts an appreciation of the Indian heritage and enables the students to imbibe its culture and ethos for building a harmonious society, irrespective of differences of faith, language, caste and class and at the same time to remain open to the positive elements of other cultures.